Gates Idea Lab
where you can give life to your ideas and idea lab will inculcate the minds of students by providing access to a physical and virtual platform that will support the spirit of inquisitive and creativity.
AICTE-SPICES Offer Letter 2022-23:Click Here
Constitution of the GATES Idea Lab :
This Idea Lab provides a platform to experiment with ideas for qualitative change in life of compatriots. One of our biggest achievement from Idea lab is our students developed a Bike Ambulance
1. To set up, equip and network co-creative centres (IDEA labs) to support students to generate, develop and commercialize their own innovative ideas through entrepreneurship and/or open innovation
2. To foster student entrepreneurship and start-up creation at university settings by improving infrastructure, entrepreneurial culture and skills
3. To introduce and implement open innovation as a new form of partnership among key stakeholders
4. To revise and adapt curricula to include entrepreneurial skills and problem-based learning.
Develop the culture and practice of innovation among the students and transform the innovative ideas into technologies, startups for creating students as innovators and entrepreneur.
The mission of idea lab is
1. To encourage the students in idea creation by conducting various contests on ideation.
2. Conducting workshops on problem identification and idea creation.
3. Making students to participate in national level hackathons and competitions by conducting internal trainings and evaluations.
4. Promoting the students best ideas to get technology licensing by facilitating throughout the process of IPR filing & proceedings.
5. Conducting events/competitions on creating prototype models, business models of the idea.
To provide platform for innovative ideas, the institute has commenced “Idea Club”, where in the students across the disciplines present their ideas in an interactive sessions. To further help the students and faculty, the institute has established GATES Incubation/Innovation Center “GIC” which we passionately named as “GATES IDEA LAB”. It was established in the year 2018. This is to give the students a platform for hands on experience to work on their ideas and innovations, facilitating students to convert their ideas into working prototypes, getting IP rights over their innovations and providing students to present their ideas in Hackthons and promoting students to become entrepreneurs and technology developers. This will also be useful for the students for their mini projects and major projects which they carry out as part of their academic curriculum.
Constitution of the GATES Idea Club consists of:
SL.No | Name of the Person | Designation | Post |
1 | Dr. S. Kannappan | Professor | Co-ordinator |
2 | Mr. M. ImthiyazBasha | Assistant Professor | Co-Coordinator |
3 | Mr. M. B. Bheema Kumar | Assistant Professor | Co-Coordinator |
4 | Mrs. S. Rangeswaramma | Assistant Professor | Co-Coordinator |
5 | Ms.M.Rani | IV B. Tech ECE Student | President |
6 | Mr.Imran | II B. Tech EEE Student | Vice-President |
7 | Mr.Thilak | I B.Tech CAI Student | Secretary |
Total Number of Students Registered as members of Idea Club 288
Awards & Recognitions
1. Our students, S. Vikram Kumar & Y. Dhanunjay from IV B. Tech CIVIL Engineering, won first prize of Rs.75,000/- in National Level Startup India Challenge conducted by Andhra Pradesh Innovation Society during 31-08-2018 to 11-09-2018 at GEETHAM University, Vishakapatnam, A.P.
To encourage the students to become entrepreneurs, the central government of India and state government of Andhra Pradesh has organized a program named “Startup India Yathra”. As a part of this program an initial screening was conducted at JNTUA, Ananthapuramu on 31-08-2018 for short listing best ideas district wise. The idea presented by our students, S. Vikram Kumar & Y. Dhanunjay from IV B. Tech CIVIL Engineering was got shortlisted from the Ananthapuramu district.
A final state level startup India contest was held in Geetham University from 09-09-2018 to 11-09-2018 and our students stood first out of participants from 200 engineering Colleges in social innovation category and cash prize of Rs. 75,000 was awarded to winners by the organizers.
IV Year B.Tech Civil Engineering students S. Vikram Kumar & Y. Dhanunjay Varma won state level 1st prize in Startup India Contest.
Our students receiving the cash prize from vice chancellor of JNTUA, Ananthapuramu.
2. Our student, A. M. Shaesta won Silver medal in Andhra Pradesh State Skill Competition “NAIPUNYA-2K18”organized held at Amaravathi on 10th & 11th May 2018.
3. Village Energy Australia has conducted a screening test through Inspiredge IT solutions, Vijayawada for offering Internships to our students. Two students got selected to do internship with village energy. Usha Praveena(15F21A0280) from EEE department and Mohammed Shubhan (18F25A0410) from Electronics and Communication Engineering was offered an internship for village energy through Inspiredge IT solutions at pagidirai, Kurnool district for 2 months with a stipend of Rs 5000/- per month.
4. Our students from ME got first prize for presenting an innovative projects “Automatic Drainage Cleaning System”, Smart Breaking System” in a National Level Technical Symposium conducted at KSRM Engineering College, Kadapa during 13th -14th May 2022.
5. An innovative project titled “Smart College Bus Tracking System” developed by our students team of 5 members from III Btech ece & cse(Shaik Jafarvali - 19F21A0529, Shaik Momena Shagufta- 19F21A0554, Tadipatri Hamraaz Shareef-19F21A0525, V Yasmeen-19F21A04G1, G Lillysha Begum-19F21A0544, S Shameer-19F21A05A3) got first prize in a national level project Expo conducted at JNTUA Kalikiri on 8th June 2022.
6. We received a recognition certificate for active participation in “National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission” launched by government of India on the occasion of 75th anniversary of independence under the banner of “Azadi ka Amruth Mahothsav” to create widespread awareness on Intellectual Propety Rights. The recognition certificate was awarded by Indian Patent Office, Chennai for exceptional contribution in organizing awareness program in association with IPO on 10-02-2022
7. Randheer Reddy, Kumara Swami from III B. Tech ECE have won first prize for paper presentation at A National Level Student Technical Symposium ECLATECS 2K23 organized by department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JNTUA College of Engineering, Kalikiri.
8.B. Mounika, D. Basheer, P. Jashwanth have won first prize in Project Expo at Emerge 2k23 organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JNTUACEA on 28th March 2023.
GATES Institute of Technology has International collaborations for improving the student’s interaction with industries and institutions. GATES Institute of Technology has collaborations with Florida Atlantic University, Australia and Village Energy, Australia and Dessault Systems, Pune.
Design and Development of Bike Ambulance
Our Students, Yeshwanth Subramanyam and S. EjazAhamed of II B. Tech Mechanical Engineering have developed a safe bike ambulance, “Heal-Mobile,” with the help of the 3DEXPERIENCE Lab of Dassault Systèmes, Pune. With the guidance of the Dassault Systemes representative Mr.Suhaspritipal, they developed a prototype Bike Ambulance in GATES IDEA LAB. After doing trails and enhancements, they have finalized the model of “Bike Ambulance”. This Bike ambulance is fitted with Patient Monitoring System and Oxygen Cylinder, Stretcher and Wheelchair are also available. The bike ambulance’s structure was developed using CATIA part design, CATIA assembly design, generative shape and wireframe, and live rendering studio applications powered by Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE platform. In case of emergency, these bike ambulances can safely carry one patient along with a medical worker as a rider to tackle any urgent medical situation to nearby primary and Community Health Centers (CHCs) from remote villages. The idea to launch Heal Mobile intended to extend economical health relief through frugal innovation to the economically underprivileged sections of society during the COVID-19 pandemic.
18 Hours Global IoT Hackathon on wearable Devices
GATES Institute of Technology has organized “18 Hours Global IoT Hackathon on wearable Devices” in collaboration with Florida Atlantic University, USA from 20-02-2019 to 21-02-2019. The hackathon has been conducted through online and students from various universities around the globe have participated. Our students competed with students of Florida Atlantic University, USA and also with other university students. The problem statements are given instantly and our students developed innovative projects in live within 18 hours and presented in interactive way.
Our students participated in making live project in the Hackathon to solve the problem statements given by FAU
The team members received “certificate of Innovation Excellence” for the project presented in MAKE FAU 2019 Hackathon.
The team members: V. Lakshmi Sai Aparna : 18F21A0223
B. Dhanunjayulu : 18F21A0208
A. Lakshmi Narayana Sharma : 18F21A0226
B. Anusha : 18F21A0202
Energy Audit at Paidiroy Village with Village Energy Team
Our students had collaboratively worked with Village Energy to help the rural areas in effective utilization of electric power by using smart grids at villages itself with solar. The technical team of Village Energy use to visit our institute and train students in energy auditing at power grids situated near to the institute. In August 2019, Village energy has conducted energy auditing along with our students at Jonnagiri Sub-station, Pagidirai village, Kurnool district.
Technical Team from Village Energy, Australia Demonstrating the benefits of distributed Microgrids to our students.
Details of Activities Conducted by GATES IDEA Club under AICTE - SPICES
SL.No | Name of the Event | Date |
1 | HACK-A-BYTE, A National Level 24-Hours Hackathon on IoT and Web Application Development | 06-07-2023 to 07-07-2023 |
2 | Project Expo 2k23 | 29-11-2023 |
3 | Industrial Visit to Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR | 30-11-2023 |
4 | Think Outside the Box | 08-12-2023 |
5 | Poster Presentation Competition on “Achievements of ISRO | 16-12-2023 |
6 | A Guest Lecture on Planar Antennas for 5G-based Remote Monitoring | 18-12-2023 |
HACK-A-BYTE - A National Level 24 hours Hackathon on IoT and Web Application Development
1.The "HACK-A-BYTE" A National Level 24 hours Hackathon on IoT and Web Application Development organized by the GATES IDEA CLUB at GATES Institute of Technology took place on 6th & 7th July 2023. The event was conducted under the AICTE Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity, and Ethics among students (SPICES).
All participants registered as 55 batches with 3 to 5 members in each batch. They worked on their project ideas and submitted abstracts based on the given problem statements. A panel of expert faculty members conducted a preliminary screening of the project ideas and abstracts from 2 pm to 4 pm. And then the students start implementing their project
On the second day, 7th July 2023, the presentations took place in the seminar hall from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. Judges evaluated the project implementations and output during each batch's presentation. The top 3 teams with the best ideas received cash prizes and GATES IDEA CLUB T-shirts for each member of the winning teams.
The prizes were awarded by the Chief Guest, R. Mangacharyulu, Senior DME, Locomotive shed Guntakal. Participation certificates were presented to all participants, and the student members of the Idea club received Idea Club T-shirts along with certificates. Principal, Coordinators, Managing Director Sri. Raghunatha Reddy, and Director Smt. V. K. Srivani were also present during the hackathon to encourage and appreciate the students' efforts.
Project Expo 2k23
On 29-11-2023, Project Expo 2k23 has been organized by two clubs namely Ampere Club and Project club in association with GATES IDEA Club. The event is organized by student members and faculty coordinators of GATES IDEA Club under AICTE-Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity and Ethics among the students (SPICES).
As a part of AICTE-SPICES, the GATES IDEA Club has identified two clubs in the institution, amperes club and project club and has developed various project models as a part of club activities. The models are developed in the GATES IDEA LAB, where a dedicated space is allocated to do innovative projects by students. The clubs has bring recently developed projects in the Academic Year 2023-24 to exhibit in this project expo. The GATES IDEA Club has jointly organized this project expo with Amperes club and Project club.
Industrial Visit to Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR
Industrial visit to ISRO at SDSC SHAR in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh has been organized by the Department of Electronic and Communication Engineering & GATES IDEA CLUB of GATES Institute of Technology on 29th& 30th November 2023. The event was conducted under the AICTE Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity, and Ethics among students (SPICES).
The student group of 100 members, accompanied by six faculty members, embarked on an educational and inspiring visit to the ISRO at Sriharikota. The day commenced with a comprehensive video presentation titled "Gateway to Space," immersing the students in the history, achievements, and capabilities of ISRO.
Following the introduction, the group proceeded to explore various crucial sections of the spaceport: Launch pads, Mission control centre, Space Museum. Scientists and engineers engaged the students in interactive sessions, answering their questions and explaining complex concepts in a clear and engaging manner. This fostered a sense of curiosity and encouraged students to delve deeper into the world of space exploration
Think Outside the Box
The "Think Outside the Box" brainstorming session, a collaborative initiative orchestrated by the GATES IDEA CLUB in conjunction with the GATES PROJECT CLUB at GATES Institute of Technology, convened on December 8, 2023. This event, crafted under the auspices of the AICTE Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity, and Ethics among students (SPICES), was purposefully designed to ignite and nurture innovation, imagination, and creative ideation among participants.
All the participants registered as groups comprised of 3 to 5 members per group. Each group was assigned an everyday, ordinary object. They engaged in intensive brainstorming sessions within their teams, exploring the assigned object from unconventional angles to generate innovative and imaginative ideas. This collaborative process spurred creativity as participants collectively contemplated fresh and alternative uses for their respective objects, transcending traditional thinking paradigms. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as teams delved into discussions, pushing the boundaries of traditional thinking.
The judges encountered a formidable challenge in assessing the multitude of innovative ideas put forth. Each team's distinctive approach and unconventional thinking not only made the evaluation process demanding but also incredibly inspiring. The judges meticulously evaluated the participants' presentations based on the clarity and effectiveness of their pitches, the originality of their unconventional thinking and creativity, and the practicality of the applications derived from their ideation.
Poster Presentation on Achievements of ISRO
The GATES IDEA CLUB at GATES Institute of Technology hosted a poster presentation competition focusing on the accomplishments of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) on December 16, 2023. This event, organized under the AICTE Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity, and Ethics among students (SPICES), was meticulously curated to foster innovation, imaginative thinking, and a deeper understanding of space research organizations among all participants.
The event unfolded in two distinct segments at the Seminar Hall and Central Library of GATES Institute of Technology. Commencing at 10:30 AM, the inaugural session at the Seminar Hall marked the initiation of the event. A particularly noteworthy highlight of the inauguration was the virtual presence of Ms. Anamala Sai Chandana, Scientist-SC from the Mission Simulation Group at U R Rao Satellite Centre in Bengaluru. Her inspiring narrative detailed her journey within ISRO, shedding light on the intricacies of rocket construction and the fascinating behind-the-scenes process. Her engaging "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) session held the audience captive, offering invaluable insights into ISRO's operations.In the subsequent segment, participants gathered at the Central Library, showcasing their diligently crafted posters.
A Guest Lecture on Planar Antennas for 5G based Remote Monitoring
Department of ECE and GATES Idea club conducted an online guest lecture on " " under AICTE-SPICES on 18-12-2023. The resource person Dr. Sanyog Rawat, Associate Professor from Central University Rajasthan has given insite to planar antennas in 5G and remote sensing applications.
Activities Conducted
SL.No | Name of the Event | Date |
1 | SEE A PROBLEM-SOLVE A PROBLEM | 25-06-2022 |
2 | INTERACTIVE SESSION | 28-05-2022 |
3 | INTERNAL SMART INDIA HACKATHON-2022 | 27-04-2022 |
4 | HOW TO EXPRESS AN IDEA | 26-10-2021 |
5 | ONE DAY CHAMPION QUIZ | 18-02-2020 |
6 | INTERNAL SMART INDIA HACKATHON-2020 | 25-01-2020 |
7 | IDEA ART | 24-10-2019 |
8 | IDEA COMPETITION | 28-04-2018 |
See a problem-Solve a problem:
On 25-06-2022, Gates Idea Lab organized a session that is SEE A PROBLEM - SOLVE A PROBLEM. The session has started with a motto of let your ideas and thoughts give you inspiration. All creativity comes from your imagination – you first imagine and then you can create miracles with your ideas. Nearly 10 teams from I and III year students from various departments presented their innovative ideas and some of their titles are as follows
1. Harnessing Solar Energy
2. Automatic Sensor Taps
3. Time based water Sprinklers
4. Drones for Smart Irrigation
5. Complaint Box
6. Reuse of plastic bottles
The Guest Of the session Dr.S.Suraya, Associate Professor, EEE Department, inspired students with real time applications. The Faculty Coordinator Mrs.S.Rangeswaramma motivated students to come up with creative solutions for a particular problem and Mr.M.B.Bheema kumar, Assistant Professor, encouraged students to utilize the opportunities and to improve their communication and presentation skills. The ideas presented by the students are very creative and some ideas are helpful in evolving needs of common people.
Interactive Session:
On the 28th may 2022 from 3:20 to 4:10, GATES IDEA LAB has organized an event on behalf of IDEA LAB club activities for all branches, the objective of this club is to develop the creative thinking and power point presentation skills in the student. Below topics were discussed with club members
• Importance of idea club
• Needs of idea club
• How to develop self confidence and overcome stage fear
• Sub departments in idea club
• Introduction of coordinator ,president ,vice president and secretary to club members
• Future plans of IDEA LAB
Internal Smart India Hackathon-2022
On 27-04-2022, as a preliminary step for SMART INDIA HACKATHON 2022, IDEA club of GATES Institute of Technology has organized an Internal Smart India Hackathon. The students registered as team of 6 members to present their novel ideas and 12 teams were participated. Moderators have to call every team in their respective sessions one by one according to the prescribed order. All the teams had expressed their ideas and their expected outcome. The Jury Team highlighted certain pros and cons of each respective idea and asked them to improvise further and come with a present end product. After an efficient interaction teams got encouraged to modify their idea and had desired outcome. The Jury team were quite impressed by the kind efforts of the team and gave few virtuous suggestions to the teams about how they can deploy their innovative ideas in the actual market. Few teams had amazing presentation of the idea which impressed the jury due to which they got an opportunity for giving presentation to express their ideas on the Internal Smart India Hackathon-2022.The participants presented their ideas based on problem statements. Some ideas are novel which are helpful for real world society. The ideas are mostly based on the themes like Clean & Green Technology, Renewable and sustainable Energy, Disaster Management, Agriculture, Food Tech and Rural Development.
A seminar on “How to Express An IDEA”
The Seminar on How to Express An IDEA was conducted by IDEA LAB on 26-10-2021. The session was hosted by B.Harshini(Vice President of the IDEA LAB).
The Speaker of the session was Mr. M. Madhusudhan, Assistant Professor in Dept of CSE, Gates Institute of Technology. His Explanation was started how to identify a problem and how to think about an IDEA, and how this IDEA leads to innovation that can help to society and he discussed about many ideas across the world which leads to innovation.
There were a total of 200 participants of IV B. Tech from all the departments. Participants received valuable information on how to think an idea and how to convert their ideas to innovations.
The students got awareness about importance of innovation to generate revenue. They got confidence and expressed their ideas to discuss the possibility of make it as a product and business.
Internal Smart India Hackathon-2020
The Internal Smart India Hackathon-2020 has been conducted by IDEA Club of GATES Institute of Technology for two days i.e. on 25-01-2020 & 27-01-2020, as a preliminary step for SMART INDIA HACKATHON 2020. Moderators have to call every team in their respective sessions one by one according to the prescribed order. Totally 20 teams have participated with each team consists of six students All the teams had expressed their ideas and their expected outcome. The Jury Team highlighted certain pros and cons of each respective idea and asked them to improvise further and come with a present end product.After the evaluation of all the presentations the jury team recommended nine teams to be submitted for the national level Smart India Hackathon. The jury team has carefully evaluated the ideas of the presented teams based on the novelty of the idea, methodology of idea implementation, technical content and Presentation.