Electrical and Electronics Engineering
"Electrical energy" is the backbone of industrial world of today. Availability of sufficient electrical energy and its proper use in any country can result in its people rising from subsistence level to the highest standard of living. The harnessing of electricity as a source of energy to light and drive our world has been an important milestone for humankind.
Electronics has added a new dimension to the usage of electricity and enabled amazing applications and a level of miniaturization that is getting more difficult to believe. Further comfort, convenience and safety of large population all over the world depend on electrical power. The Electrical & Electronics Engineer with skills that are focused on using technology for human convenience and advancement will have an important role in future.
The department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering was established in 2004 with an intake of 60 and which was increased to 120 in 2012. The Department is offering one Post Graduate Program with the specialization in Electrical Power Systems with an intake of 18. Department is affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University, Anantapuramu.
The Department’s aim is to train the students in contemporary knowledge and innovative skills, both functional and integrative, in the discipline of Electrical & Electronics Engineering. The department focuses on laying a strong foundation in basic concepts to the students.
The Department is headed by Dr N. Narasimhulu M.Tech.,Ph.D. The department has well qualified, dedicated and experienced faculty and committed supporting staff.