Civil Engineering
Applied Mechanics Lab:
Imparts the fundamental concepts of Engineering Mechanics by using advanced instruments through which students can easily understand the concepts of theory.
Surveying Lab:
Surveying laboratory helps the students to know the fundamental surveying principles using mathematical approach and different instruments. Every instrument in this laboratory is advancement over the other but the objective behind every instrument remains same I.e., land survey.

The objective of strength of materials laboratory is to demonstrate the basic principles of mechanics and strength of materials to the undergraduate students, through a series of experiments like properties of structural materials (like concrete, steel etc.,), strength characteristics of different materials. Students are also introduced to modern digitized equipment.

This laboratory aims at providing experimental parameters of fluid behavior, Forces of fluid on various structures, Flow measurements under different pressure conditions and under different fluid pressures. Here students can fortify their theoretical knowledge of Fluid Mechanics subject.
Concrete Technology Lab:
This laboratory provides experimental exposure to physical properties & strength characteristics of various construction materials like cement, fine and coarse aggregate, cement concrete, cement mortar etc. This laboratory helps students to understand the theoretical concepts learned in Building Material and Concrete Technology.

The major objective of Engineering Geology lab is to study the geological factors, identification of different types of rocks and understanding their behavior. Further, fissures, folds, development of cracks in rocks,minerals, their causes & remedies are learnt in this laboratory.

The objective of Environmental Engineering laboratory is to determine chemical and biological properties of raw water and sewage water, so that quality of water can be found and various remedial measures can be taken to avoid public health problems.

The objective of Geo-Technical laboratory is to determine the physical and engineering properties of soil which is used in design of foundation of any structure, base course of roads, runways. Lab as well as on-site experiments are conducted in this laboratory. Students can apply both theory and practical knowledge in the field to solve real problems.

The objective of Highway Materials laboratory is to determine physical and engineering properties of coarse aggregate and bitumen. Students will be able to identify the suitability of materials for different road and runway construction.

This laboratory provides drafting knowledge of various structural components. This software minimizes the manual work of Civil Engineers and show an advancement in the area of modern technology through implementation of computer concepts in complex structural designing.