HBS - Department
Journal Publications:
- Spectrophotometric determination of palladium(II) using 4-Hydroxy benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone, of Indian council of chemists , 21, 46-49 (2004).
- Derivative spectrophotometric determination of Iron (II) using diacetyl monoxime benzoyl hydrozone, J. of chem. 17 (3) 1767 (2005).
- Simultaneous second order derivative spectrophotometric determination of Cu (II) and Ni (II) using 4-hydroxy benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone International journal of chemtech and research Vol.3.No.4 2062-2065 (2011)
- "Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace amounts of Molybdenum(VI) Using 4-Hydroxybenzaldehydethiosemicarbazone" International journal of chemtech and research Vol.3, No.4, 1740-1746 (2011)
- SpectroPhotometric method for the determination Of trace amount of Bismuth in alloy samples Using 4-Hydroxybenzaldehydethiosemicarbazone. Rasayan journal of chemistryVol.4, No.4 ,857-862 (2011)
- Sprectro photometric determination of Trace copper in industrial water after pre concentration with 4- Hydroxy benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone in presence of Micellar medium. Water Research & Development journal vol.1 , No. 2&3, 63-66, (2011).
- Synthesis, Characterizations and Antibacterial activity of Mannich base, N-[(1-Piperidinobenzyl)]Semicarbazide : A Structure and Reactivity study. Asian Journal of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Research, Issue 3, ( vol. 1) ,2011
- Spectrophotometric determination of nickel at microgram level in Environmental matrices using 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone Indian Chem. Soc.,Vol. 91, May 2014, pp. 853-858
- Environmental risks of anthropogenic metals and their spectrophotometric Determination using 4-hydroxybenzaldehydethiosemicarbazone, Scholars Research Library Archives of Applied Science Research, 2014, 6 (3):23-28
- Spetrophotometric method for the determination of trace amount of tungsten(VI) in alloy samples using 4-hydroxybenzaldehydethiosemicarbazone. Journal of advanced scientific Research 2015,6(2), 14 -17.
Conference / Work shop Presentations:
- Derivative spectrophotometric determination of iron (III) using Oxime hydrazone,proceedings of National seminar on “Role of chemistry in the emerging areas of applied sciences”(RCEAS-2004),Tirupati,1-3, (2004).
- Direct and first order derivative spectrophotometric determination of cobalt (II) using diacetylmonoximeisonicotinylhydrazone ,proceedins of 91st Indian science congress, Chandigarh, 3-7 (2004).
- Studies on pollution causing heavy metals from waste water. Accepted for poster presentation in INDO-UK Workshop on current Development of Waste water Treatment –Advanced Separation Process NIT, Tiruchirappalli, 29th to 31st Aug (2011).
- National conference on emerging trends in chemistry ( NCETC- 2011) Bishop Haber college , Trichy 15th Jan 2012.
- National conference on recent advances in functionalized materials ( RAFM-2012) MSRIT, Bangalore Jan 24-25 ,2012. National workshop on Analytical Techniqes in Research and Analysis (ATRA-2013) under TEQIP Phase II, JNTUA College of engineering, PULIVENDULA 27th& 28th December 2013.
- 4th International conference on solid waste management Icon SWM 2014,28th – 30th January Acharya N.G.RangaAgricultaral University, Hyderabad.
- Work Shop on Human values and professional Ethics 5th July 2014 JNTUCEA,
Dr.P.Vijaya Lakshmi
- Effect of Thermo-Diffusion and Hall Currents on Convective Heat and Mass Transfer Flow in a Vertical Wavy Channel under Inclined Magnetic Field IJETED journal ( Issue 4, Vol. 4) June 201
- Human values & professional ethics titled “engineering inner excellence” Conducted at JNTUA college of engineering (autonomous), Ananthapuramu on 5th July 2014
- National workshop on NMR Spectroscopy: application to biomolecules (nmrsab-2015) held at JNTUA college of engineering (autonomous), Ananthapuramu on 9-10 January 2015
- Human values & professional ethics titled “engineering inner excellence” Conducted at JNTUA college of engineering (autonomous), Ananthapuramu on 5th July 2014
- Human values & professional ethics titled “engineering inner excellence” Conducted at JNTUA college of engineering (autonomous), Ananthapuramu on 5th July 2014